Screenshot of ChatGPT roasting Instagram feed, used as a header banner for a blog about why Chukster does Instagram differently.


Creative Insights


Rebecca Meyer


Why we do instagram differently



Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have come across the latest Social Media trend “Ask chat GPT to roast your feed”. Brands, influencers, and probably your aunt have all been sharing mildly critical, mildly humorous machine-generated analyses of their feed over the past week or so. 
“You’re a hipster travel blogger trying real hard to show you're cultured” “You want to impress everyone with your baking skills, but it just looks like a rainbow vomited all over your feed”
And as the hipster creative agency we are (don't mind the irony), we of course had to try it. What came back was this:
“Your Instagram feed looks like a chaotic brainstorm session that never quite made it past the “throw everything at the wall” stage. The mix of content is as dizzying as it is diverse—ranging from bold, corporate design work to random, quirky graphics that scream “intern project.” It’s like your feed is having an identity crisis: is it a polished portfolio or a casual social commentary? The aesthetics are all over the place, with no consistent colour scheme or visual language to tie it all together. Instead of building a cohesive narrative, it feels like you’re trying to showcase everything at once, which leaves the viewer unsure of what you actually do. It’s time to streamline and curate with intention, so your feed reflects the creative director you are, not the disjointed creative chaos it currently portrays.”
Banner image featuring screenshots of the Chukster Instagram feed.
And even though we had clearly asked chat GPT to roast our feed and poke fun at it, and even though this was all just a game, there was a little feeling of hurt. A moment of thinking “Are we not taking this seriously enough?” “Do people think we are just a bunch of students?” “Would the algorithm be kinder to us if we followed a more classic posting template?”

The feeling didn’t last. We do Instagram differently to most design agencies. And that has always been a deliberate choice. Here’s why:
1) We always tell our clients not to lose themselves and their mission in a sea of data, must-dos, expectations, and guidelines. At the end of every decision, no matter how many arguments speak for or against it, it needs to feel right for your brand. Equally, with your social media, your feed needs to not only appeal to your target audience but also be true to you. Because if it doesn’t tell your story and celebrate your values, what good are the masses of followers seeing an unauthentic version of your brand?
Our feed is very much true to what we call the Chukster spirit: it’s playful, experimental, versatile, down-to-earth, authentic, positive, and honest.


2) If you want to see an overview of what we do, or learn more about our processes and skills in detailed case studies of specific projects - visit our website (and since you are reading this, you are actually on it! So that's great!)
Instagram is a social platform and the clue is in the name. We want our IG to be all about community: sharing insights and tutorials, allowing a glimpse behind the scenes, showing off some unfinished work, random ideas or things that intrigue us - and hopefully create some content that makes you smile.
Montage of Chukster team members capturing and creating content.
3) Our Instagram feed is a creative playground to test out reel trends, work on new animation skills, build awesome mockups or templates, create tutorials not only for our followers but also as an internal archive. It’s an opportunity for our designers to experiment and spend some time designing something without a brief. It’s a great platform for team members to take initiative and suggest a new piece of content, to try their hand at narrating on camera, or to try to create their version of a trending reel.
And maybe this makes our feed look chaotic and youthful - because it is a mix of all our creative ideas, our different styles, and tastes. And we believe that this is exactly what it should be.